Protect the Partrick Wetlands
and our Community

Conservation Members Being Bullied and Moving to Quickly
Letter to the Editor Published in the Westport News

To the Editor:

The Westport Conservation Commission is currently deciding the fate of one of the last great open spaces, that is not just within Westport, but maybe in all of Fairfield county. This wonderful wetland, known to most of us as the FD Rich property between Newtown Turnpike and Partrick Rd, will be set upon by the development of a proposed 31 large homes slated to sell for more than $1.3 million each.

The commissioners, overwhelmed by this enormous task, with its volumes of papers presented for their consideration, are moving too quickly and are at risk of being led astray by a few more vocal and controlling members. Discussions about the impact to the aquifer below it and the destruction of the animal habitats within it are swiftly cast aside in the name of expediency. They also are ignoring their own hired professional staff's recommendations. CT DEP suggested guidelines are not being looked at thoroughly and the prospect for court intervention seems unavoidable and is almost being accepted as inevitable by the commissioners. This is a political "hot potato" they obviously want to be rid of and in doing so are creating a great injustice.

Our selectwoman Diane Farrell needs to step up and maintain a watchful eye on these proceedings and all others which will determine the fate of our community's natural resources. Once the wetland is gone, it will never come back.

Matthew Mandell
38 Partrick Rd
Westport CT 06880

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