Neighborhood Groups Gathering
May 22, 2006
Re: Neighborhood Groups Gathering
Westport - Matthew Mandell, Director of the Partrick Wetlands Preservation Fund, a non profit community organization, has called upon his fellow leaders of other Westport neighborhood associations to meet for the first Pan Westport Neighborhood Groups Gathering to be held at Westport Town Hall, at 8pm on Monday June 5th..
The goal of this meeting is to have representatives of each neighborhood association discuss their issues, look for common threads, share knowledge and forge alliances in the pursuit of a better Westport. This meeting will form the basis to allow these groups to interact and address a variety of issues that effect our town. Potential topics are town character & big houses, environmental protection, over development, affordable housing, traffic, commercial encroachment, taxes, and more...
Already attending will be representatives of the Greens Farms Association, Compo Beach Improvement Association, Save Old Saugatuck, Y Downtown, Bermuda Surf Association and the Daybreak Neighbors. All neighborhood or community groups are welcome.
"Too often neighborhood groups feel isolated or overwhelmed by a situation," said Mandell "By introducing each of our groups to one another, realizing that many of our issues are similar, and being able to share experiences and ideas will enable more to be accomplished in the future."
Any and all neighborhood associations who are interested in this initiative and joining your fellow concerned residents should attend this important event. The meeting is open to the public and will be held Monday June 5th at 8pm in Westport Town Hall room 309.
For more information or to confirm your group's intention to attend, contact Matthew Mandell. Email Matthew@savewestport.com or phone 227-1333. Visit www.savewestport.com.